Monday, October 27, 2008

TV These Days

We've watched very few movies lately because the new TV season has begun and we've tried out some shows. Perhaps after another weekend or so, I can continue with my micro-reviews. Meanwhile, here's my take on what we've seen on TV lately:

Chuck - Way fun! Glad I got into this last year at the end of the season.
Terminator: the Sarah Connor Chronicles - We're watching this on DVD from Don, since we can't see this and Chuck at the same time, and Don's DVDs are SO much better than tape.
Heroes - They'll never recapture the magic of season 1, but this season of "Villains" is excellent.
My Own Worst Enemy - Tried it; didn't like it. I will try again if Sherry wants, but there are too many flaws in the concept and execution to be covered by the good performances of Christian Slater and Alfre Woodard.

House - Watched a few times in the past. Watching more regularly now. Love the character and the emphasis on reasoned diagnosis that turns into trial-and-error. Not a must-see, but good entertainment.
Fringe - Still watching. It might get better. We tape it. Why? Because we are watching
The Mentalist - Oh My Goodness I like this. Monk + Columbo + Sherlock + The Magician.
Eli Stone - We watched half of this last season. Good show. Good message. The opening episode of the new season was good. Sort of like "Joan of Arcadia" but with an everyman attorney as the recipient of God's view of the future. We'll keep this on our list of things to watch. It belongs at 7:00, not 9:00.

Nothing. I heard good things about Pushing Daisies when it started, but we never tried it. I'm probably missing something. Wednesday is where Lost is supposed to be, once it comes back. And now, I hear, Life is moving to this day. See below for that show.

Survivor - because we like it, and we always watch it, and I can play Civ III while it's on. I won't recommend it -- you either like it, or you don't.
Eleventh Hour - another new solve it with science (or science fiction) show. We've thought enough of it to watch the first couple of episodes. It might grow into something.

Stargate: Atlantis - Still plenty worth watching, though we often tape it because it conflicts with
What Not To Wear - Sherry loves it. I play Civ III. It's good "couple TV." As long as I can play Civ III.
Life - This is a very good cop show. The initial mystery was solved in season one, but it lead to a larger mystery. And each episode has a good single story, too. But the biggest draw is the excellent main character.

If Sanctuary gets good, I hope someone will notice and tell me. We tried the first episode and Sherry didn't like it enough to keep trying. Honestly, I would be willing to give Amanda Tapping more time to establish something, but this is more of a monster show than a sci-fi show.

I miss Battlestar Galactica!

Is there regularly scheduled TV on Saturday? I don't think so. Looks like repeats of shows the networks hope you will like when you happen upon them.

Nothing anymore. We might turn Extreme Makeover: Home Edition on, but our former weekly habits of Desperate Housewives and Brothers & Sisters are dead. Too much sleeze; too little intrigue.


Yes, Mike, I'm stealing most of this from an e-mail I sent a while back. So I'm lazy. So what?

1 comment:

MsStargate said...

You should give Sanctuary another shot.
The stories have been very good and Amanda, as alwsys, is amazing.