Friday, October 24, 2008

I'm a published ---- photographer?

Strange news.

A site called offers an online guide to cities around the world. The site is sorta like having a travel guide, but on the web, and therefore it's tailoring itself to consumption by iPhones and other such devices. Sort of like having a combination Fodor's and Mapquest combined.

Well, the Schmap people stumbled across my photo of the Marjorie McNeely Conservatory at Como Park in St. Paul (it's on my Flickr page, I think) and they asked for permission to include that photo as the icon for their site. I gave it, and now you can see the photo I took when you're looking for things to do in the Twin Cities. (You see it when you scroll over the Conservatory entry.)

Anyway, that's cool. And a good way to end the week.


But if you want a political reason to feel good (as an Obama supporter anyway) here you go. And that last one was from Fox News!

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