Friday, October 31, 2008

Goodbye, October

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October 31. What does it mean?

Hallowe'en, for sure.

But it also marks the end of the part of Autumn that makes "Fall." At least in Minnesota. This weekend, we will have temperatures near 60, probably for the last time this year. The leaves have turned, and most of them have fallen. But before they fell, I got the photo above. In fact, this was taken on the day after Lucas & Lee got married.

One of the great things about living in this part of the country is experiencing many seasons. From our deck, we get to see the various aspects of Nature as she changes her wardrobe.
If you are a long-time reader of the blog, you'll remember the same view when She is dressed in Winter White.

I'll spend a bit of time outside this weekend, enjoying the last warmth for several months.

And then, I will begin looking forward to Christmas.

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