Thursday, December 6, 2007

A White Christmas? It might happen!

I suspect I'm not alone in this: when I picture Christmas, I picture snow. Most people I know would prefer a "white Christmas," and you'd think that Minnesota would offer one almost every year. I don't have statistics, but it feels like we have snow on the ground fewer than half the Christmases of recent years. Maybe I should send an e-mail to my local weather forecasters and ask for the real information.

Anyway, on Saturday, December 1, 2007, we got hit with a storm that laid down 4-6 inches of snow, then covered it with a layer of ice. On the 4th, we got another 4-6 inches. I hear we might get more today, and possibly Saturday, as well. The extended forecast keeps us below freezing for the next week, at least.

While I know we'll be tired of the cold by February, I am very happy to have it now, protecting our snow. Christmas is special no matter what the weather, but there's something extra special about a snow-covered Christmas.

I think I'll attach a photo to show how beautiful the snow can be at our house. It's almost three years old, but after a nice heavy snowfall, this is what our backyard looks like. Now, how could I not want that for Christmas?

Once we get both trees decorated, maybe I'll post a picture of them, too; especially the one in the sun room, where you can see the snow through the windows.

1 comment:

Indeterminacy said...

Good luck with the white Christmas. I don't think we'll have one here (Germany), but who knows?

Also, thanks for your comment way back in August! You think you had writer's block (you posted at photo 408) - it wasn't until a couple of hours ago that I finally posted my own story! I've answered all the comments, and same with photo 412. I hope i'm back to normal now.