Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sing. Sing a Song.

Played "Sing Star" last night. First time. I had tried being a vocalist once on "Rock Band."

I love the idea -- a video game that uses voice as input, and rewards correct pitch.

It was really fun, too. Though I enjoyed the non-competitive nature of "Rock Band", the competition in "Sing Star" did not mar its fun. And others really seem to like that aspect.

I can't imagine myself doing karaoke -- performing for a crowd -- but in the game setting it was a blast. And I got to hear some songs from the '80s I had forgotten about entirely. "99 Red Balloons" for example.

Still it's clear, especially after listening to the playback of one of my performances, I was never cut out to be a pop star. In fact, the result makes me wonder if I should sing in choir! OK, not quite, but maybe my voice is too old and out of practice for solos anymore. Then again, most church solos don't require the sustained high notes that "We Built This City" and "Eye of the Tiger" contain.

And, no, it was not too ego-damaging to look foolish in front of my kids. Foolishness is fun, when it's a shared experience.

P.S. Happy Birthday, Lucas!

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