Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Palin Speaks

I won't vote for her.

But I'll listen.

Her politics are not my politics, but still. What a moment for this country.

[Aside: What will the racist, misogynist bloc in the country do in November?

Stay home?

Wake up and realize the 1800s are long gone?]

She is convincing as a caring leader, and when she promises to be an advocate for parents of children with special needs, I believe her.

She is more charismatic than any Republican I've heard since Reagan.

So far, it sounds like she's not going to talk policy at all.

Motherhood, apple pie, service, change, patriotism, sarcasm towards her opposition, personal introduction and personal qualifications.

She's good and her speech has some good lines, but she's still on the wrong side of things I care about. And the Republicans are still using fear.

She has certainly shown the audience that John McCain is not the typical Republican.

I wish her well. She will excite voters, and that's great. And, unless there are major gaffes, she has a future if she's not elected this time around. She's a populist.

Well done, Governor Palin.

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