Thursday, September 11, 2008

Quotes and Words

A couple miscellaneous things today.

First, a great quote:

When a thing is funny, search it carefully for a hidden truth.
- George Bernard Shaw

Humor, many say, comes from seeing something unexpected, something surprising. I agree. Yet, I also agree with Shaw -- many humorous things contain revelation of truth. Does that mean that truth is unexpected and surprising?

Second, words.

This week's "Pickles" comic strips have the main character, Earl, frustrated that the dictionary adds so many new words each year, when we make so little use of the good words that are already in it. To illustrate his point, Earl has used "profligate" and his wife Opal used "comose." I once learned the former, but not the latter.

Earl, of course, is sometimes a crotchety old man. Well, he's always old. Sometimes, he's crotchety. Anyway, since he expresses an opinion so close to mine, I wonder: Am I getting old? Or just crotchety?

By the way, did you know that "crotchet" was a word? I didn't until I read the definition of "crotchety." In fact, it has five distinct meanings, though two of them are archaic. Still, who would ever use "crotchet" to mean "quarter note" and expect to be understood?

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