Monday, September 15, 2008

Palin is Paling

I expect that few staunch GoP folk will admit it, but the interview of Sarah Palin by Charles Gibson demonstrated to me that Sarah Palin doesn't have what it takes. She doesn't know nearly enough about the situation in the country or the world to be "a heartbeat away." Further, while she's good with a prepared speech, she doesn't think on her feet.

Full transcripts are here; a Youtube posting of some of the interview is here; and here is a link to a page that links to the full interview from 20/20.

My opinion - she has nothing to offer beyond her image, and her celebrity status. In fact, it's ironic how much McCain is still using the "celebrity" issue against Obama, when he created a celebrity in Palin and seems interested in just using her that way.

It's astonishing to me how the two people on the top of the ticket can defend the advertisements claiming that Obama "plans to raise your taxes" when in fact, the plan reduces taxes for so much of the country. Fortunately, when Palin defends it, it's clear she doesn't know the specifics enough to spread the oil and put the spin on her response.

Don't get me wrong - I think she's genuine. It's just that she's genuinely not ready for this.

And I think it says something about what McCain and his party will do to get a Republican elected.

The news reported two poll results yesterday that are saddening:
1) Half of Hilary supporters have changed to being McCain supporters. What a shame. I guess if they were only interested in electing a woman, it's understandable. If so, I hope they stay home in November. At least listen to the woman you're trying to elect now. Do you really want her?
2) Half of Minnesota's likely voters are now saying they'll vote for McCain/Palin. Arrrggh.

We have to turn this around.

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