Wednesday, June 11, 2008


So Adam's about to get married. Following that, he and Marisa will be honeymooning out of the country. He called us to ask us to retrieve his passport from our safe-deposit box. [1]

It's not there. At some point in the past (I'm guessing when he went to visit Marisa back in college) it got taken out and not put back.

So, I suppose it's somewhere in his house. Of course, this is entirely his problem to deal with. But I am a Dad, so I'm going to be worrying about it (intermittently) for the next two weeks, until/unless I hear from him that he found it.

That's what being a Dad is like, too. Each child gets thought about every day, probably several times, for one reason or another. It might be just missing them, or it might be wishing you could help them, or just wondering if they will find a lost item.

It's all worth it. But I wonder what childless people end up thinking about during the many moments when I'm thinking about my children.

[1]Another of my pet peeves - this is the correct term. There is no such thing as a safety deposit box, though many dictionaries are allowing it as an alternate these days. Permissive!

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