Monday, June 16, 2008

Movie Micro-Reviews: Edition 16

A long weekend gave us the opportunity to see some more movies (as Iowa flooded, sadly.) Here is the latest batch.

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom


Pure adventure; pure fun. With a few hinted impurities – “I’m right here!” Indiana is most like Han Solo in this film. Sit back and enjoy the ride.

27 Dresses


Good timing because of the imminent weddings; this was fun. Catherine Heigl is easy to like, and James Marsden was really good – far better than his Cyclops. OK, some predictability, but hey, it’s a romantic comedy. This is a pretty good score for a romantic comedy!

Charlie Wilson’s War


OK, so heroes don’t have to be completely heroic, and history can turn on a few people who do what they have to do. Alternately funny and sad and scary. Will we learn our lessons? As the Zen master says – “We’ll see.”

A Prairie Home Companion


Funny how I didn’t know what to expect, and yet when it was done, I felt like that was just what I should have expected. I liked the characters, the down-to-earth mixed with the art, the symbolic with the real. Not an Oscar winner, and not for everyone, but I liked it. Once.



For many sequences, the animation disappeared. For some, it was important to know it was not real. Loved that dragon battle. Good story. Hero and Tragic Hero at the same time.

P.S. I Love You


What an excellent story. This is a “romantic comedy” because they don’t have a phrase for its type. Yeah, there’s romance; yeah, there’s comedy. But it’s a drama about life and dealing with loss and, wow.


Michael Hacker said...

Was lucky enough to see Beowulf in 3D, which was amazing. I wonder if the effect works on DVD as well. I kept the glasses...

Steve Will said...

I'd be interested to know if they would have worked, too. While watching, it was clear they were trying to make the 3D experience worthwhile. I'm not sure I would have liked the gore in 3D though! Yuck!