Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A Picture's Worth

I mentioned the flooding in Decorah yesterday, and in particular, a photo I had seen of the Upper Iowa River valley viewed from Phelps Park. Here is that photo. As you can see, it's quite wet.

For comparison purposes, here's a photo from almost the same vantage point which we took several years ago. We were more interested in the picturesque river than in the valley, so you can't see the houses, but you get the idea.

My parents were evacuated yesterday morning, but by 8:00 PM they had been allowed back in. The river crested at a new record high (17'9" I think) but had dropped a couple of feet by the evening. Today should allow more drainage, but Wednesday is forecast to be another very wet day. We can all hope that the sky just looks scary, but doesn't dump all the moisture it's predicted to be carrying.

Oh, Paul has a good shot of the flooding that is even closer to the view we took pre-flood. Here it is. Thanks, Paul!

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