Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Enough Movies?

Father's Day gave me the opportunity again to update my list of "DVDs I'd Like." I received a couple of DVDs from the list (thanks, kids) but I noticed something:

My list is getting short.

Some people can't understand why I like to own movies. It's not completely justifiable, logically, since I can rent almost any movie almost any time I'd want. We have a Hollywood Video MVP membership, so any DVD that's over a month old is paid for in my monthly fee. Yet, still, some DVDs are so frequently watched at our house, it just makes sense to have them around. (Harry Potter, Frodo Baggins, Buttercup, Jean-Luc Picard, Ella of Frell, John McClane, Luke Skywalker - you know who you are.)

I still have a few movies on my wish-list. But just a few. I'd have more if I were single, but movie watching is a "couple" thing for us. When I'm on my own, rather than pull out the non-Sherry movies I own, I tend to rent non-Sherry movies I haven't seen. This means it's pretty silly to ask for movies I really liked that I will never see with Sherry (Sin City, for example; though Elijah Wood's character in that is so disturbing I might never watch that twice anyway!)

Sure, Blu-Ray will eclipse regular DVD, but I won't repurchase my large collection for the small benefit provided by that technology. So that means my list of movies I still want on DVD is likely to stay pretty small from now on.

And then when Father's Day rolls around, what will my kids get me?


"I think I'd better think this out again"

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