Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Concede? Me? Are you kidding?

There are rumors out there that I am going to concede. Acting in my role of campaign chairman for myself, I must vehemently deny such rumors! I owe it to all (two) of my regular readers to remain in this contest until all blogs are read!

Of course, for the unity of cyberspace, if I were to be asked to be vice-blogger, I would have to consider that possibility.

Now, however, is not the time to discuss hypotheticals! (Maybe when the polls close in five hours or so....) Certainly not if the hypotheticals make it look like I'm begging. I'm no beggar!

I'm a blogger! And a natural blonde one, at that. That's right, a blonde who can think and write coherent prose. You all don't give me enough credit for that -- this has been a difficult enough road without having to deal with the prejudice I face every day, and the media disregarding that prejudice.

So don't believe a word of that "concession" prattle. At least until it comes from me. Then believe it whole-heartedly, because then I would mean it whole-heartedly.

Hypothetically, of course.

For unity, of course.

Not for me. This is not about me.

[Are you taking me seriously?]

Wait, don't walk away. Or, if you must, leave the microphone behind. I'm not done talking yet.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm... Are Mike and I the "two" regular readers? I've actually found your "Ideas, Opinions, and Musings" quite entertaining.

Steve Will said...

Hey, it might be three! It might be four (?) Mike subscribes, if I recall. My friend Eric reads pretty much daily. You've been reading regularly? Cool! My sister-in-law reads sometimes, too. Honestly, I have no way of tracking, so I just put the "(two)" in to be funny. "All" sounds like a lot. Adding "(two)" was for the humor.