Thursday, April 10, 2008

Some times I feel like a (tough) nut, sometimes I don't

Mike helped me get hold of a version of Civ 3 Complete that runs without the CD. This is excellent, of course. Consequently, I decided I would start another game.

The last time I played, I won convincingly at the the Regent level. So I decided to start a game at that level of difficulty again.

I'm getting man-handled! I think the only real chance I have would be to hang around long enough to win diplomatically, and that just doesn't trip my trigger.

There are times when this would present an irresistible challenge. I know people who only play (computer) games they are certain to win. I'm not like that -- I like to struggle occasionally. Then winning feels even better.

Not right now, though. I am going to put this particular scenario away for some other day. I want to start a scenario where I won't run into a strong opponent right away, and in which I won't have every freakin' Wonder discovered by an opponent ten turns before I could have built it!


Related note -- I was poised to buy Civ 4 -- I even have a Best Buy coupon to make it cheaper. Then Mike got me this disk-less version of Civ 3 Complete. I am delaying the upgrade.

But, really, I've been poised to buy Civ 4 before -- I've had it in my grubby paws in the store -- I've put it back every time. Its time has not arrived.

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