Friday, April 11, 2008

Resident Evil

I'm watching "Resident Evil." First time ever. Comments as I see it.

Corporate source of evil. Normal for this era.

Green and blue, and it's the blue that causes the trouble.

A truth about emergencies in movies -- no one is prepared, and that results in disaster.

Why is there a fire axe in a room of metal and safety glass?

OK -- stop analyzing -- watch the thing.

Gotta check the rating to see if I have to look away or not. It's "R" - not sure I can take this. OK, first opportunity to be gruesome wasn't.

Is this the "Fifth Element" actress? Gotta be. Yep. Milla Jovovich.

The visuals are already game-esque. Corridors, like first-person shooter. Countdown Timer.

Hey, there's an actress from "Lost." What was her character name? Ana-Lucia! Michelle Rodriguez.

I anticipate much more weapons fire. Unless I don't understand the nature of the game.

Too bad the game had "Raccoon City." Weak name. "The Hive" is good, though.

Hey, that guy is the Prince from "A Knight's Tale." James Purfoy. Never knew his name.

At the Red Queen chamber doorway. If a good guy doesn't die in the next five minutes, I'll be shocked. It's time to start thinning the group in a horror movie.

There they go.

I know if I were going to have a deactivating device, I would not house it in the same location, or require it to be set off inside the site. But it's very game-like. Nice adventure.

What is that gross organic stuff? I don't think we'll like finding out.

Finally, the zombies! (And the weapons.) Shuffling even!

The escapee from those tanks - looks like Carnophage. That would be appropos.

Ah, the hounds! I thought I knew something about this game!

Cool. It looks hopeless now. But what a fighter she is.

Another one bites the dust. Or, rather, gets bitten. (Or maybe not.)

Ahhh - now we have some truth. Is that the whole thing? Guess so.

She's in a wet red dress, with a big red axe. This is a video game heroine, all right. Measurements may not be typical, but then again, you'd need CGI to have a typical game female shape. Not even Angelina Jolie matches that fanboy fantasy.

And now we feel like we've made it, so clearly, we haven't. What's next?

OK, that makes sense. If I were just paying exclusive attention to the film I would have expected it. But the actual fight was well done. Monster gone.

One more thing? I anticipate one more.

Nicely done -- I did not expect that!

Ready for the sequel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have yet to see this. Nice review - lol!