Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Something's Missing

How does this happen?

One day, it's there. And the next, it's just not.

You know what I mean. As if some sort of curse had been placed on you. Or someone snuck into your life and took it.

"What?" you ask? "What's missing?" Well, OK, I'll be clearer.


Comedians always mention socks. Who cares about socks? That's just a silly example common to everyone. But I can easily replace socks.

I can't find the maps that came with my copy of "The World's Largest Dungeon." I've looked everywhere they should be at least five times. And everywhere they could be, three times.

The Internet being what it is, I can replace a few of the maps just by downloading them as files, but that's not the point, and besides, I can't get all of them.

How does this happen? One day, you're using something, and then the next (or a few weeks later, probably) it's slipped into nothingness. Perhaps there really are dimensional rifts floating around, sucking important items out of our plane of existence. Or trouble-making "little people."

Then again, every once in a while, something shows up that seems to have no owner. I have a white shirt with such an origin. I didn't buy it (I don't have logos on my white shirts) and no one in the house ever saw it. I hope I didn't inadvertently trade my maps for that shirt! Maybe some dimension-hopping magpie came into the house and offered me a shirt, and when I picked it up, the ethereal bird snapped up those maps!

Or perhaps it's a Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy!

How sad. Gary Gygax dies, and I can't even find my D&D maps.

So, be watchful! You might be missing something right now, and not even know it! Take inventory!

When I started writing this, I had a point to make.

But I lost it.


Anonymous said...

Hey Steve,

In honor of Gary Gygax passing on, maybe we should try an put together a D&D reunion this summer. Would be interesting to get the old gang together again... What do you think? I'd be willing to fly back from Portland. Think we could track down many of the D&D gang?


Steve Will said...

That would be excellent. I'm still in touch with almost half of them, and I know where a few more are. Several months back, I had thought about having a gaming get-together this summer, but with a wedding and college visits, I put it the plan on hold. I'm going to have to look at my calendar again.