Thursday, February 28, 2008


Sometimes, I have nothing to say.

Sometimes life is too busy.

For both reasons, I've not posted for a few days.

Sherry's surgery went well, but I've been quite busy helping her. I'm happy to do it. Honestly. It's nice to be able to help out and be the support system for the woman I love.

So, other than work, and helping Sherry, what's on my mind?

Heroes of Might & Magic III. Ever since putting Civ III away, I've been puttering around with HoMM3 during our evening TV watching. I've won a couple games, getting a pretty high score on the last one, so I decided to bump up the difficulty and take on two AI teams, each of them comprising three players. I've never had such a challenging game, and it's been great fun.

Stewardship. I'm on the Stewardship board at church now, and I've started writing and delivering a series of messages. I gave the first one this past weekend. Then we had a good meeting at church after services and it got me a bit motivated to do more than just messages. We'll see how that goes.

Financial Planning. We have to switch planners (our former planner moved to another job) so we met with a new one. Not likely going to be our planner. She sent us a summary of our meeting and the letter was sent to "Steve and Becky Will." Yeah, well. If that were the only reason, we'd laugh it off. It's not. So now we have to decide who to trust to be our advisor for retirement planning.

"Grease" Leah's performances were this past weekend. The ones we attended went well. I enjoyed myself, and really enjoyed getting to see all the family that came to the show, too.

Writing. Not mine. I've only written Stewardship stuff and work stuff. But Mike is getting published, and that's pretty cool! OK, it's better than that. It's Exceptionally, Fantastically COOL!

I'll try to get back to daily posting. Heaven knows there are plenty of topics. McCain is looking more Republican as time passes. Obama looks like the one to beat, even though I'm not sure he is moderate enough for me, but if I can't have Clinton, he's better than McCain. Minnesota passed a gas tax increase. I'm a member of MPR again. Seven of Nine has joined Voyager. Now even the "real people" in Big Brother look like caricatures (Seriously, who has bodies like that? Naturally, I mean.) Wedding plans are proceeding. I met a former classmate of ours the other night and that's a funny story. Any my snippet story deserves another installment.

With luck, and some time, I'll write about a few of those over the next week.

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