Friday, February 29, 2008


There are certainly many numbers that matter in our lives.

Weight: I've been paying attention to this number for over two years now.
Cholesterol Level: Even longer, for this one.
Phone: Oh my goodness! Now almost everyone has one, and many of us have two! Even Paul has two (though he would not immediately agree, I must point out that I still remember -- and use -- the one for his parents' house to reach him!)
Social Security: Keep it secret. Keep it safe! (Just like the One Ring.)
401K: That number even gets a letter attached to it.
911: Help! I need somebody! Help! Not just Anybody!
Bank Account: Do you even know yours, or do you use a card all the time?
PINs: We have more of these than we have phone numbers, though we still have to remember fewer PINs, since we only keep track of our own PINs. Well, except for people like me, who keep track of them for family members.
Credit Card Accounts: Yes, I have my Discover card number memorized. If you don't have one of your credit card numbers memorized, you don't shop on-line enough.
TV Channels: For most of us, it's second nature by now. Where is The Weather Channel? "Lost?" "Comedy Central?" "CNN" - I bet you know the numbers. OK, Sherry doesn't; but she knows the number for "TLC" and I know "40" is that other channel she watches (Home & Garden?)
Birthdays: At the core, they are numbers. But then, that's true of many pieces of information.

Once I post this, I bet I'll think of even more.

I wonder how a civilization could advance without numbers? It seems like our minds are wired for them. What if they weren't? Hmmmm....

Have a great weekend, gentle readers.

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