Friday, February 8, 2008

Muncha Buncha Munchkin

Wow -- I can't believe it's been over five months since I first played Munchkin TM but my original entry on the subject was from back in August!

Last night, we played again. This time, we got two games of Munchkin TM played in an evening. We're getting faster! Of course, since it had been so long, we forgot rules, so over the course of the first game, we kept adding and modifying as we went around. I think during the second game, we finally kept consistent rules. We still got some things wrong (thieves can't steal during combat, and that would have made a difference) but since we all knew the wrong roolz (1) and agreed to them, it was sorta fair. Now, if we play again within a reasonable amount of time, we might solidify the roolz in our minds.

Of course, by then, I will have purchased the first expansion:

Munchkin 2 - Unnatural Axe

and it will provide us plenty of new cards to confuse, confound and confab.(2)

Oh, in game 1 (which was played under the ever-modifying rule set) I started out with a huge lead, was beaten back to a laggard, and watched Rob win. In game 2, which was played almost legally, each one of us got to level 9, and I was the only cleric, so I was playing for Divine Intervention, which came up, finally, as the antepenultimate card. (That's "the card just before the next-to last card.") I won. And I shall not let them forget it!

(2)Yes, I know "confab" is not a verb. But the world these days makes verbs of all sorts of nouns. And I needed a verb starting with "conf" so it works. Lighten up!

(1)Also, "roolz" is my shorthand for "the slightly incorrect rules by which we play the game." If you've ever played Talisman, or any of Steve Jackson's games, I bet you've played by "roolz" and not "rules" because no one knows exactly what the real "rules" are for every situation. Steve Jackson relishes that fact, I think!

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