Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I'm a Munchkin

So, we did it. We played "Munchkin TM" the game from Steve Jackson Games.

It was a hoot!

As with other SJG products, the biggest selling point is the fun. SJG (and, I gather, SJ himself) really understands how to use humor and the culture of the audience to feed the game experience. To that end, Munchkin TM has lots of cards that make you laugh, and when they interact with other cards, you laugh harder.

This also means, however, that the game generates queer questions -- cards which seem to contradict one another; imprecise definitions of "death" and "defeat;" arguments (fun arguments, but arguments nonetheless) about what the rules really mean.

And in Munchkin TM, that's not bad! In fact, it's part of the fun. I'm glad to know, now that I've played once, that there is a FAQ on the SJG Munchkin TM site. But even so, I know there are questions we had during our first game which are not yet answered. And that's OK!

A SJG product is about having fun! You can get 95% of the rules figured out after one session, and if you learn another 2 or 3% before your next time, then you can have impassioned arguments about how things should work, until house rules fill in the rest.

So, Munchkin TM was a hit. I'll gladly play it again. Mike and Paul and Pete will get a real kick out of it. Anyone who has even been tangentially associated with fantasy role-playing will "get" the jokes on the cards, and other people will enjoy the nonsensical word play and ludicrous situations.

And, for posterity, Big Dog and Pieman shared the first-ever victory when the Dudes played. They did it with Divine Intervention. And, they did, in fact, make fun of the rest of us. It was great!

Can I just say it's amazing to me that "Munchkin" was not somehow trademarked or copyright protected by the L. Frank Baum estate?

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