Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Too many topics

A very miscellaneous day - can't focus on any one topic to do it justice.

Always a father: No matter how old they are, and how independent, it's clear I will always want to step in and find a way to help when one of my children is encountering difficulty. Unfortunately, for some situations, I shouldn't step in, and in others there is just nothing that can be done. But my ear is always here, and so is my shoulder.

Archetypes and writing: As a novice "writer wannabe" I understand that there are formulae which can be used to build a story. However, I've never studied them. Then, this week, as I'm in the midst of watching "Tin Man" I read Mark Rosewater's column. This week, he describes the archetype of "The Hero's Journey" and it fit exactly what I was seeing in the mini-series! So now I need to find a book that tells me about this, and I bet Mike knows one (or more.) Rosewater points me to Joseph Campbell, and I have been intrigued by him since I saw portions of a Bill Moyer program with him. I'll have to look for a book.

Dreams and fiction: Over the weekend I had a (nearly) unique experience. While dreaming, I was simultaneously the main character from a novel I've always wanted to write and myself, the author, above the action, thinking about how to tell/craft/change the story so that it would be better. I have lost some of what was in the it (as I always seem to do, the longer I go without telling/writing/remembering the dream) but I think I have some of the best parts in my head. Now, will I get to writing them down, just in case I ever actually put the story together more fully?

Music: "Christmas at Luther" was excellent again this year. I think, if I buy a few more years of the CDs, I will have choral versions of the best parts of "The Messiah" and congregational or choral versions of the best Christmas hymns. I am in full "Christmas music mode" at work and home. Though it's very "country," the song "The Christmas Shoes" always gets to me. And, the more I listen to them, the more enjoyment I get from the rock-ish versions of Christmas songs from Trans-Siberian Orchestra and WOW Christmas.

Games: Super Mario Galaxy is fun! I don't know how I'd succeed without Sherry playing the support role. Excellent for us! In related game news, I have not had time to build as many Magic decks as I'd like, but since I will have a chance to play Magic with Paul in a couple weeks, I hope to get some deck biuding done this weekend.

Gifts: It always happens. I want to spend lots of money on my kids and Sherry for Christmas. Restraint! Must practice restraint!

1 comment:

Michael Hacker said...

Steve! The Heroes Journey. Mike knows! He does, he does! The best book, the one I recommend and which is a perfect fit to your needs is Mark Vogler's The Writer's Journey, which is a complete discussion of the heroe's journey, it's many facets and permutations, and chock full of examples from films illustrating the point. But don't rush out and buy it....