Friday, November 30, 2007

Goodbye, T41

I've been using an IBM T41 Thinkpad for a couple of years now -- as my "work" computer. I've just received a new Lenovo T60 as its replacement, so I am in the process of doing the migration.

Before the T41, I can't even remember the model number for the old clunky laptop I had. The T41 has been a great upgrade from that, but it is memory constrained for the applications I need to run on a daily basis. And, because it goes with me everywhere, it has a bunch of personal stuff on it, too: music, photos, Christmas lists, game data and the like.

I had to set aside my Friday afternoon for the transfer, and it looks like it will take the full afternoon. Maybe more. I'll be fortunate to get all the data and applications back in place by Monday.

Man, I hope I don't lose "The World's Largest Dungeon." And that I can find all the patches I need to get HoMM3 to work again on XP.

Ooooh. The wizard helping me find data to transfer has crossed the 60% scanned mark. I'd better pay attention!

Storm heading this direction. "Christmas at Luther" tomorrow night, and we will have to drive through sleet and snow to get there. But we'll make it.

I'd better pay attention!

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