Thursday, August 30, 2007

In Some Small Way

I haven't written about it yet, but there was another disaster in Minnesota in August. While the bridge collapse was certainly more widely publicized, the floods of August 19 killed as many people (roughly -- I don't think I ever saw the final totals for either event) and will end up costing society as much or more.

The floods also hit closer to home, literally and figuratively, as they happened in my area and several relatives were affected.

Saturday, Sherry and I will head to an area town and do our small part to help those relatives. We'll hear stories, bring some food, carry some items -- do whatever is needed. In the end, we'll feel even more glad that our house was not hit, and even worse that so many homes were.

And so, we'll help out.

May you find a way to help someone.

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