Friday, August 31, 2007


How great is Friday? I mean, isn't Friday great?

I mean, Friday is GREAT!

Look, it's been a hard day. I've worked my brain so hard today that I almost can't think anymore.

I didn't get to e-mail the guys, I barely had time to eat lunch (but I did, thanks to Big Dog) and despite the fact that everyone seemed to be out of the office enjoying a beautiful Friday, I was at work until almost 5:00.

But now! Now! Now it's the weekend! And I went for a 2-mile run! And I get to eat fried chicken wings -- Sherry makes the best!

I vow not to think about going back to work on Teusday for the rest of the day!

Time for a Great Friday Night!

Enjoy, all!

(P.S. Sign the guest book, if you would, please.)

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