Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Almost missed it

Work has been so busy that I almost missed my chance to blog today. I was even working in my La-Z-Boy while some home decorating show and "Die Hard: With a Vengeance" was on.

Fortunately, a check of my e-mail showed that Mike had commented on a couple of my entries. This reminded me to post something.

The result of the Superworld auction: I got it! I paid a premium, but not what I would have paid at a convention. It is in the mail and I should receive it this week. I'm quite pumped! The game has sentimental value.

The seller tried to interest me in a sealed copy of PsiWorld, but I never played that game, so it's not even tempting.

Speaking of tempting: I finally broke down and bought "Tiger Woods PGA Golf 07" for the Wii. It was marked down, and my in-laws had given me money for my birthday. I've only played a few holes on it, but it's excellent so far. Tiger can hit the ball a LONG way; even with me swinging the remote.

Enough for today. If I do miss a day of posting in the next few, I will blame it on work. But employment keeps kids in school, food on the table, and the fireplace lit in the winter.

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