Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Boys and their Father

The boys and I started a summer routine this week. On Mondays, we are getting together to play Marvel: Ultimate Alliance on the Wii. We've created a team -- using four characters who are really third-tier heroes. If you have no experience with comic books, you're likely to have heard of only one of them, and that's because Nicholas Cage played Ghost Rider in a movie this year.

The game allows all three of us (plus a fourth character, which is run by the A.I. on the system) to take on the challenge of saving the universe from the threat of a group of evil super-villains. Because it's a cooperative game, we don't compete with each other -- we work together to smash, bash, crash and burn the bad guys.

For the record, I play Doctor Strange (Sorcerer Supreme, Master of the Mystic Arts.) Lucas plays the aforementioned Ghost Rider. Adam is Moon Knight. Our fourth team member is Colossus, the metallic tough guy from the X-Men.

With all the kids in Rochester this summer, I am enjoying having the chance to see them all. In the past, despite the fact that Adam, Lucas and I have game playing as a common interest, we haven't made a point of doing it. This summer, it looks like we will, and that's excellent. Other dads might go fishing with their sons. Or build stuff. Me? I play video games with mine. It's appropriate, really. Don't you think?

I know it will give me something to look forward to on Mondays. And that's always welcome!

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