Monday, May 28, 2007

Part of the (Pirate) Crowd

Sarah and Leah saw the first showing of Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End and came home very excited. We were told we had to see it, as soon as possible.

Within two days, the boys had seen it, and agreed we needed to see it immediately.

So, Sunday afternoon, Sherry and I went to a matinee. It was excellent. In my opinion, better than the second in the series.

And, as the title of my entry suggests, it was crowded. I wonder what amazing total ticket sales number we'll hear once the weekend is over. It should be high.

Just think, over the past few weeks, the "big summer movies" started coming out. And so far, they have all been "#3." Spiderman 3, Shrek the Third, and now this. I have not seen the Shrek film. I doubt I will. But this is definitely the best of the three, from my point of view. I liked the third Spidey film, but it wasn't even up to Spiderman 2 in quality. It certainly couldn't compete with this installment (or any installment) of "Pirates."

We've also seen a couple of movies on DVD recently. We saw Casino Royale, the latest Bond film. As origin stories goes, it was very good. But it was very much more serious than other Bond stories. And while I think Daniel Craig made a good spy, he's certainly not the kind of suave sophisticate I expect from Bond. We'll see if they move his character along in the next one.

We also saw Déjà Vu, with Denzel Washington. It was not at all what I expected -- well, ok, I expected some sort of crime solving to be involved, but the déjà vu was very interesting. I liked it.

And, yes, we watched Pirates 2 (last night after seeing Pirates 3) and the original (about a week ago.) Those old stand-by movies are easy to watch while playing Magic online.

But it was definitely enjoyable to attend a film in a big theater with stadium seating and a crowd. A fine addition to this Memorial Day weekend.

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