Sunday, April 5, 2020

Michael Jackson Thriller - Album 8 of 10

Album Title: Thriller
Artist: Michael Jackson

Album 8 of 10 in the 10 Album Challenge


In our house, our kids grew up listening to 80's music.  We had a lot of the pop stuff from the 80's -- Genesis (Invisible Touch), Prince, Whitney Houston, Madonna, and of course, Michael Jackson.  MJ was listened to most frequently, I think.

Jackson is, of course, one of many artists for whom the discussion occurs: Can you still like their art (music and performance, in his case) even if you believe the artist was morally deficient?  Michael Jackson is certainly not the first, not the last, and likely not even the worst.  I can completely understand people who would be turned off by his music, given what they believe of him.

But in this exercise, I have to include Thriller (and Bad, but Thriller came first and has a higher percentage of great songs) in my list of 10.

Not only is the music good, but Michael was one of the artists who made the MTV generation thrive.  Music videos gave us all a chance to see artists we would never get to see in concerts, and to see them doing things, creatively, that were impossible in live performances.  Jackson knew how to use that medium as well as anyone.

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