Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Castle Gets Traffic

 If you've read this blog for long enough, you've seen me write about many movies (I do have that "Movie Micro-Review" series that has reached its 90th edition, after all) and several TV shows.

Of those TV shows, I've probably written about Star Trek most -- in one form or another.  But the TV show which receives the most traffic on this blog is:

Castle from ABC.

You might be surprised.  I know I was.  But every time I go check the statistics which Google keeps for this blog, there is one post which shows up on the list of "Top 5 most recently viewed."

Castle is a Gem from October 17, 2011 is, by far, the post from this blog which has been hit more than any other.  It's not even close.  And it seems like when I post a review for one of the "Castle-written" Nikki Heat books, and tweet about it, I get more readers than any other book review.

Blogger (Google) also provides information about what directs people to find this blog, and most of them are Google searches with "Castle" in them -- whether people are looking for character photos, or specifically looking for one or more of the characters, the"Gem" post has them.  For some reason, Google presents that "Gem" post quite high when people search on those topics.  And that means SnW gets hits.  It feels pretty cool thinking all those people see something I have written.

I'm not going to turn this blog into an "All Castle - All the Time" thing, but I certainly admit that I love the show, so it's easy to talk about it.  This season, the main characters have moved into a new phase of their relationship, which has been written exceptionally well.  But while Castle would not be the show it is without the relationships, it is about more than that -- the mysteries are very well done, and the ensemble cast is remarkable and has great chemistry.

Speaking of the ensemble, I cannot end this particular post without mentioning one of the other characters - a character I left out of the "Gem" post because of her small role in the episodes I had just seen when I wrote it.  Tamala Jones plays Lanie Parish, a medical examiner for the NYPD, and true friend of Detective Kate Beckett.  She is smart, confident, and plays a great role.

So, dear reader, while I will still be talking about Great Courses and Movies and Knowledge (new post tomorrow) and Games, people will be finding their way to this blog because "Everybody Loves Castle (and Beckett)" -- that's just the way it is.

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