Sunday, November 18, 2012

Movie Micro-Reviews: Edition 90

Lots of Tom Hanks this time.

Larry Crowne
Another story about a teacher and her students – or at least one of them.  But this time, it’s the teacher who needs saving.  I enjoyed this.  Nothing special, but fun.
The movie opens with Hanna, a 16-year old girl, shooting a deer with an arrow.  Soon, it turns into a spy/assassin movie.  Hanna is exceptional, and is forced to adapt.  Interesting action, and a cool mystery.  Worth seeing if you like that sort of thing.
Horrible Bosses
This was essentially what I thought it would be.  The bosses were funny, though horrible.  It amused me.  That was enough.
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
Very good acting, very tight writing, and the directing was remarkable.  You cannot follow the story, nor figure out the mystery, without WATCHING.  The dialog is sparse, which makes perfect sense with spies.  So you have to WATCH.  Very good.
The first two thirds of this movie was really good.  Then, they tried doing too many things, asked characters to behave without any clear motivation.  Very pretty.  Interesting premise.  And they ruined it.
That Thing You Do
Was this real?  I mean, the subject of the movie – did it happen?  Well, it doesn’t really matter.  It was fun.
Cloud Atlas
I had low expectations, and the film clearly exceeded them.  I will own this – I have to watch it a couple more times to tie some things together.  Long, but worth it.

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