Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Movie Micro-Reviews - Edition 89

Rise of the Planet of the Apes
I really liked the first half of this story, partially because John Lithgow improves anything he’s in.  And I was totally taken with the animated apes.  Somehow, this just didn’t make me say “it’s good enough to own.”  But worth seeing, sure.
We Bought a Zoo
As a movie, as a story within a movie, I enjoyed this in several ways.  Matt Damon as a dad.  His darling little daughter.  Dealing with grief.  Building a new life.  Very good.
I just wish I knew how much of it was really the way life went.  Ahh well.
Good Will Hunting
Excellent characters, well written, well acted. Simply good movie making.
Brilliant!  Now that animation can do this, the possibilities for storytelling grow exponentially.  Story: very good; Imagination: Off the Scale! Loved it!

[I still would put this movie at a very high ranking, but as I see it now in 2D HiDef, it’s not quite as impressive as the first viewing in 3D.]
Wow!  Such a good comic book movie!  OK, if you had not seen the previous movies, maybe you’d be a little lost.  But, of course, I HAVE seen them, and this movie is a fantastic result. Heroes with big egos fighting each other – because that happens in comics all the time!  Heroes dealing with their personal issues, both as strengths and weaknesses – a Marvel hallmark.  And action-upon-action.  Yet none of it would make the movie great without the humor.  So much humor!  Loved it!
Iron Man 2
A blast!  Action fun!  Whiplash was an excellent villain.  Sam Rockwell plays another sleazy character. Are there too many characters? Nah.  But let’s all hope Black Widow can take a bigger part in the ultimate Avengers movie that must come.

[And she did!]

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