Friday, October 12, 2012

Favorite Foto Friday - Fall Leaves 2012

In many ways, Fall is the shortest season here in Minnesota.  The last summer-like day we had was at the end of September this year, and though we might get another one or two in a so-called "Indian Summer" they will be brief, and they will keep us from having autumn days while they last.

And then, far sooner than most people would prefer, a winter day will show up - probably by mid-November.  Yes, as the weather goes, we're likely to get about 6 weeks-worth of Fall.

Yet, it seems even shorter than that.  I have posted two Fall photos so far this season, and while I may post another or two, all of them will have been taken during the two-week period when the "fall colors" are on display.  Already, most of the leaves are off of the trees.  I am happy that my neighbor's maple takes longer to shed its coat than most of the trees in my yard, because that gave me a chance to get this shot, and a few more.

I think the combination of green, red and gold in these leaves is enchanting. 

2012 Fall Maple Leaves 16x9 Gold Red Green

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