Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fundamentalist or Vengelalical?

I finally got one of those political survey phone calls.  I've been amazed that I have not received one all year.

At the end, after asking the real political questions, when she had moved on to the questions to classify me, the lady on the phone asked me

"Would you classify yourself as a fundamentalist, or evangelical Christian, or something else?"

Well, she almost asked me that.  She could simply not pronounce "evangelical."  She tried, a couple times.

I told her I am not a fundamentalist, but I am an evangelical. 

She told me that the only options were "fundamentalist or evangelical Christian" or "something else."  So I either had to say I would be counted among the "F or E Christians" or "something else."

I tried to say "Something else" then, but she pointed out to me that the first option was "Fundamentalist OR Evangelical" so since I was one of them, I could say yes.  But she couldn't tell me how to answer.

It was just hard to keep hearing her say "vengelalical."  I mean, I'm certainly not Fundamentalist.  And it's hard to agree with being "venjalcical," too.

But I said yes, I was one of those things.

It probably skewed their results.

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