Wednesday, July 18, 2012

"Written by a Kid" - New Web Series

Remember when you were a kid and you made up excellent, creative stories? Or remember when you had young kids and they did? Well, the Geek and Sundry channel on YouTube has a new series - Written by a Kid - which allows us adults to see those stories. Episode 1 is a great example. It's called "Scary Smash."  Check it out. 

When my kids were young, we made a point to listen to their stories.  In fact, I have a few notebooks with stories written by my kids. I need to go find them and read them again!  I don't know that I was quite as good as these guys at letting the kid flesh out the story.  Nicely done!

You can subscribe to the Geek and Sundry channel with this link if you want.  I personally recommend it.

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