Friday, July 13, 2012

Favorite Foto Friday - Munich from Above

After a few trips to Europe, one of the things I've learned is to find a way to look at these beautiful old cities from a height - preferably from a tower in the midst of the city.  Most of them have a church with a nice high tower and you can pay to climb a long, long, Long set of stairs to get a view above the city.

It's worth it.

Here is a view of Munich, Germany from one of those towers - the one on Peterskirche.

Munich 2012 From Above (4)

I took so many photos from the top of this tower, I could probably construct a 720-degree view.  But we'd all get dizzy.

OK, so, one more. It has a view of the clock tower, which has an amazing Glockenspeil.

Munich 2012 From Above (22)

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