Tuesday, March 20, 2012

New Computer "Christened"

A new ship gets "christened" with champagne.  My new computers get christened with games.

My new computer is now officially mine.

Over my vacation, I completed its first Civilization IV game, and its first Heroes of Might and Magic III game. 

No computer of mine could truly be mine until it had served me as a platform for that pair.

How did I do?  I was satisfied. I scored well enough on the Civ IV game to be graded as a Julius Caesar. 

And the HoMM3 game was decent.  I didn't over-think and wait too terribly long to wipe out my final opponent - I even left a city open to draw him out of the shroud of war so I could find him.  I did, however, find the Grail, which means I found all of the obelisks - this typically means I took long enough not to score well.  Still, I did not have Town Portal to gather my troops, so all in all, it was a good game.

And, now, the computer really feels like it's mine.

Once Diablo III comes out, this computer and I will spend a lot of time together.

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