Friday, January 20, 2012

No Photo - Just Video

Today I am imbedding videos which I have found interesting, entertaining, funny or touching over the past few months.  I have shared all of these on Facebook, so for some of you, these are repeats.  For others, I hope you enjoy them.

And, selfishly, for me, I want to keep track of them.

The first one is in the "touching" category.  It is also an excellent example of why the SOPA/PIPA laws must not be passed.  Why?  Because according to SOPA/PIPA, someone could complain that this girl was using a song without permission (which she was, when she posted it) and itself could have been shut down.

Anyway, her story is touching, and here is the link to the Minneapolis Star/Tribune story where I read about it.

The second one is viral this week, ahead of the Super Bowl (did you know we can't technically use that term?) Anyway, I think it's genius in two ways. First, having the dogs do this piece, in costume, hits so many right notes (to pun, or not to pun....). Second, to release it a few weeks ahead of the Big Game is a great way to get a jump on the hype.

While I'm on the music/video theme, this one made me smile so big at Christmas time. And I have learned that the creator was from Luther College, my alma mater, so that's cool, too.

There was a semi-mini-faux "war" between William Shatner and Carrie Fisher concerning whether Star Trek or Star Wars was better. You can find those videos easily enough, but the one I really liked was George Takei's "peace" plan, which involves finding a common enemy.

Finally, a video I can't imbed, because the youtube source video won't allow it. It's of a contortionist/archer, and I think it's incredible.

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