As I said last week, the final few days of Leah's break contained movies. She had been told by friends that they were surprised she had never seen "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" so we saw that. And we finally got to see "The Help." Lots of movies worth seeing. (I find it hard to believe I liked Ocean's Twelve better than Ocean's Eleven, but that's what you get sometimes when you rate things immediately after seeing them...)
Sorry, Sherry, but I like caper movies. This was not as good as "The
Sting" but certainly had the style.
And wow, lots of actors: Clooney,
Pitt, Damon, Roberts, Garcia, Reiner, Gould, Cheadle.
[Originally reviewed in Edition 11.]
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
And now for something completely Python. Actually, it’s less Pythonesque than one
might expect – there is a story running through it. But there was plenty of irreverent
Mystery Men
A send-up of comic books that is a comic book at the same time. I laughed so hard at this when I first saw
it, and I still laugh. The Shoveler is
the best. It’s still the best thing
I’ve ever seen Ben Stiller do.
But, I will admit, it’s not for everyone.
in Love
Tremendous weaving of
what might have been with what probably was with what never could have
Ocean’s Twelve
Caper films are best when you like the thieves (we did,) they pull off
complex heists (they did,) and there are surprising payoffs (there were!)
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Very fun, and since I didn’t know most of the story ahead of time, I
got to be surprised. “The best X-Men
movie?” Not quite. But very good.
Mamma Mia!
This was fun! It took a few
moments to get going, but once it started, it kept delivering: smiles, laughs
and songs. Stay through the first set
of end credits!
Help (The)
When your movie is going to tell a story, and everyone knows the
general story going into it, you need to make it excellent. They did.
Bravery was required, and these women found their bravery.
[P.S. Clearly I liked the fourth Mission Impossible more than most of my friends. Ah well...]
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