Thursday, September 22, 2011

New Dice

I have new dice, and I'm not afraid to use them!

In fact, I am anxious to use them.

One of the results of playing Dragon Age: Origins has been this: I am inspired to create a quest-based adventure for my Dungeons & Dragons groups.  I have been working on it when I snatch some bits of free time, and it's coming along nicely.

And one of the results of working on D&D is a desire to buy something; something game related! 

For those of you who have not played D&D, there is very little on-going expense required for playing the game.  However, a quirk of my very American personality is that I get a kick out of buying things.  So, while I would not be required to buy cool graph paper for the game, I do.  And while I have more than enough dice, there are simply times when I feel like buying more.  It's not sensible.  But's it's a fact.

There is no true game store in Rochester these days -- for three years now! [I'm sorry - Games by James is a chain store, so it's not a true game store.  And it has no in-store place to play games, so it's ruled out for two reasons.]  The closest thing we have is Book Review, so the Dudes and I stop there on some lunch breaks to browse, to be tempted, and occasionally to purchase something.

We've been there a few times in the past two weeks, and it's during that time period when I've been creating the Splintered Worlds campaign.  So when we visited yesterday, I felt compelled to buy dice.  I saw two  sets which called to me: Green-Purple (w/ gold numbers) & and Copper-Green (white.)  I was in no mood to choose between the two, so I bought them both.

Just look at them!

They are so pretty! 

I can hardly wait to roll them in a game.

Let's play!


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