Friday, July 29, 2011

Favorite Foto Friday - Halfdome and the Falls 16x9

Another 16x9 shot from our vacation to Yosemite.  This is the view that really gives perspective on the "Halfdome Hike."  We climbed up the right side of the lower falls (Vernal Falls), then up the left side of the upper falls (Nevada Falls), then walked behind the right-center mountain, across to, and behind Halfdome, before climbing up to (near) the bend you see on the left of Halfdome, just before it goes vertical.

Halfdome and Falls 16x9

Well, here is a modified version, with an approximation of the path up. The path back is the same until Nevada Falls, then we took the John Muir Trail, which cannot be seen in this photo. 14 hours, folks.

Trail Trace Glacier Point view 16x9 Halfdome Two Falls

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