Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Views from Prague

Rather than reprinting a post from long ago, here are a couple of shots I took in Prague.  Enjoy.

Beautiful view of the castle, from the Charles Bridge in Prague.  By the time this blog posts, I plan to be eating dinner up at that castle.  I hope for some photos from that event, too.

Two of my colleagues and I ate at this outdoor restaurant on my second night in Prague. If you look carefully, you can see a Hard Rock Cafe which was also an option, but not one I considered. I wanted authentic Czech food, and had it. Very tasty.

A view of the Prague Astronomical Clock. Almost a required photo to take. I was there at 3:00 PM and got to hear the musicians, including the trumpeter on the top. Also, a wedding was taking place, so the crowd was huge.

Another view of the "workings" of the Astronomical Clock.

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