Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I Can Be Bought

OK, so I cannot personally be bought.  But my story can, as of about 7:00 PM today.

The 48-hour period of waiting has expired.  After I hit the "publish" button on Amazon.com's ePublishing site, there was a 24-hour "Review" period, and then following that a 24-hour "Publishing" period.  And now, my novella, Mirrors, can be purchased on Amazon.com.  At this link.

It can be delivered to a Kindle, of course, but there are also other clients, including the "Kindle for PC" application I downloaded.  Of course, it seems a little silly for me to have to buy my own story, but I probably will, just to see how it works.  And hey, it only costs $2.99.  (That's the minimum price to qualify for 70% royalty.  If I publish shorter things I will have to figure out how to make the 35% royalty work, or I'll have to compile several, to make the higher price more justifiable.)

Though you can see the description on the Amazon.com site, I thought, for the record, I would put it here, too.

Set in a harsh, fantastic world, this novella tells the tale of the iceship, Forgotten Friend, which sails the Midnight Glacier, a desolate expanse surrounded by the Great Winter Sea.  Its once-formidable Captain nears despair. Led by its grieving and merciless Hunter, its crew nears mutiny.  And from somewhere in that icy land, a strange force leads the Captain and Hunter into cold conflict for their lives, and for their very souls.

1 comment:

Michael Hacker said...

I bought it today. Don't have my kindle with me so I downloaded Kindle for PC to my new Lenovo X120e, and it works like a charm. I can now read Steve's story. And thanks for the explanation of the price quotient Steve. It's nice to know those little details...:)