Monday, April 11, 2011

ePublished eBook - eDidIt!

Well, I did it.  I had been encouraging Mike to publish some of his work as eBooks, and while doing so, I realized ...

"Hey, I could do that, too."

So, I did it.  I took a story I wrote in the '80s, edited it, created a "cover image" using a piece of art Leah did in high school as a base (thanks, Leah, for the contribution and the permission) and now my story, Mirrors, is on its way to being available on's eBook catalog.

I have never written a full novel.  But part of my investigation into ePublishing uncovered's "Kindle Singles" category, for shorter works.

Shorter works?  That's my style.

Mirrors is a bit over 18,000 words, so it fits right on the lower end of the "novella" class of fiction.  I did once submit it for publication, and received a nice hand-written rejection letter, encouraging me to keep writing, and saying nice things about the story, though the editor said the magazine to which I submitted didn't typically publish pieces which were that long. 

In any case, I've done it.  It's not "published" in the traditional sense, but it's out there.

I'm feeling pretty good.

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