Monday, March 7, 2011

Netflix TV Does It Again - Big Bang Theory

Last fall, we used Netflix to try Glee, pretty confident that we would like it.  I've had The Big Bang Theory recommended to me so many times, I thought I would try again. 


As predicted by those who know me, I "get" the characters, because I recognize them from my own life -- well, exaggerated aspects of characters, errrr, people from my own life.  And while some of the humor is certainly the typical sitcom sex-and-put-down style, there is certainly some smart wit.  And hey, even the sex-and-put-down is usually done with words and concepts we learned in college science and math classes -- so it's got that going for it, which is nice.

Honestly, I laughed a lot.  Our lives can use laughter. 

Thanks, Netflix.  Thanks, Big Bang Theory.

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