Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Movie Micro-Reviews: Edition 66

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time


Fun action, some interesting fantastic elements, with sands of time. Editing or writing, or both, failed it at times – causing “what?” moments. And then there’s the strange casting of Americans & Brits in Arab roles…. Still, I’d see the action again.

Crazy Heart


Jeff Bridges received, and deserved, the Oscar for his portrayal of Bad Blake, a drunk, old, once-famous country singer/writer. Maggie Gyllenhall fit very well as a damaged, but good, woman who comes into his life. Very good.

Wild, Wild West


Will Smith was carefully choosing roles on his path to becoming a star, and this was a good role. Not much of a movie, though. But, the camp was fun, the melodrama bright, the steampunk impressive. Still, when the theme song is better than the movie, well, it was fun, but that’s it.



How to rate this? The gore in the first 15 minutes almost made me turn it off. The funny bit in the middle was one of the funniest things I’ve seen in a long time. Then end was satisfying, if predictable.



Action was good. Story had some things most spy movies don’t. Still, just so-so.



Cast was great. A fun ride. Some unexpected turns, and all together fun.

Eat Pray Love


Such a story of the generation in which we live. Commitment trumped by selfish reliance on mysticism. But the stars are attractive, and the direction worked well to help us care.

Mr. Brooks


Not many movies can tell you their protagonist is a murderer in the first few minutes, and still keep you interested, and somewhat feeling for that murderer. Costner played against type, and I liked him, as much as I could. And the writers surprised me a few times, which doesn’t happen much in crime dramas.

The Matrix: Reloaded


A good follow-up to a film which maybe shouldn’t have been followed up. Moss is even better this time around.

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