Thursday, February 10, 2011

Interlude 1

You see, that's how it started. I didn't realize it at the time. I thought it was just a silly dream. Then again, sometimes I'd think "Maybe it was heaven.",

It made sense, really. I mean, who was I kidding? I was fourteen years old and I already knew who I wanted to marry. Ann. I had known her for most of my life. She was, well, you know. The best.

But in the real world she and Matt were together.

So, I supposed that, for me, heaven would have been laying my head in her lap, having her mom like us being together, getting stolen kisses.

Then again, it couldn't be heaven. No angels. No throne of God or anything. So I decided it was all just a dream. Because, as I'm sure you'd agree, what else would we think at that point?

It wasn't until a couple of years after college, after I was married to Celia, that it happened again. This time, I didn't die. But that's when the thought entered my mind:

"Maybe I should."

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