Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Chapter One: Part Three

Jacob's eyes shot open to find himself staring up at the face of the guy who drove the fire department's ambulance. Jacob didn't know his name, but he was holding those paddles you shock people with when they're having a heart attack.

"He's back!" said the man. "OK, let's get him to County."

Jacob felt himself being lifted, then he passed out.

Sometime later, he awoke in a warm bed. He didn't even have time to raise his head before his mother and father rushed to his side.

"Thank God," his mom said.

"You OK, Jake?" asked his dad. "You sure were lucky."

Jacob didn't know what was going on, but he had a memory that was overwhelming every other thought. He simply had to know if she was here.

"Ann?" was all his voice could manage.

"They left a few hours ago. I'll give them a call," said his dad, leaving the room as he grabbed his phone from his pocket.

"They?" Jacob asked.

"She and Matt found you. Do you remember that?" his mother replied.

Ann. And Matt, too. Jacob's heart sank. The warmth of lying on Ann's lap. It had felt so real. Tears welled up in his eyes. Rather than show them to his Mom, Jacob closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

But this time he did not see the swirling stream of lights. Not yet, anyway. But he would.

Oh yes, he most certainly would.

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