Monday, February 21, 2011

Fashion Show

On Saturday, Sherry and I attended a fashion show. Each year, the Seniors in the College of Design hold a fashion show, titled Distortion." Since Sherry will be a Senior in two or three years, she was interested to see what she would be expected to do. And, of course, since she is studying apparel design, she also enjoys seeing fashion.

Ahead of the main show, each Sophomore & Junior had an outfit displayed on the runway. Then main show began, and each Senior had four or five outfits displayed. Each line was accompanied by music which set the mood, and the models -- though only a few of them were professional -- did a good job of letting the crowd see the pieces.

A couple of years ago, I would never have imagined I'd see a fashion show. It's still ironic, in a way, to think that my wife would invite me to watch pretty young women walk up and down the runway. :-)

But this was interesting, and I can see that it excites Sherry to think that she will get to create new designs and show them to an appreciative audience.

What did the designs look like? Well, they have a "Look Book" on Facebook. Click through to see it. I'll put a sample here, but you really should check it out if you are interested. I liked most of the outfits, from an artistic point of view. True, there were several which I could not imagine "real people" wearing. But then again, I live here, not there, and not in New York, Paris or Milan. Sherry already has enough skill that she could evaluate who had worked hardest, and who had done the most challenging work. I just watched.

Next year, Sherry will have something in the show. And she will be involved in the event, so I suspect I will be in the audience without her, proudly taking in the product of her new journey.

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