Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas, 2010

Merry Christmas!
From Sherry & Steve Will

2010 Christmas Setting 1

Here is a brief update from snowy Rochester during “the most wonderful time of the year.”

Leah is in her second year at New York University. She continues in the Atlantic studio as an acting student. One highlight from school this year was performing in a one-act play called “Small World.” Another was seeing Patrick Stewart a few times. Mr. Stewart starred in “Star Trek: the Next Generation,” in related movies, and in the “X-Men” movies. She attended a play he performed, and then listened to his theater/acting advice at one of the seminars they hold at NYU. She was suitably impressed, and her parents were suitably envious.

Sherry has just completed her first semester at the College of Design of the University of Minnesota. She is pursuing a degree in Apparel Design, which will probably take her four years, but might only take three. We have an apartment for her in St. Paul, only a mile from the St. Paul campus. She is enjoying working 10 hours a week in the U of M Human Dimensioning Lab on a research project regarding apparel issues for breast cancer survivors. She is excited about the upcoming semester when she will get to start working in “Studio” classes actually creating apparel.

Steve continues working for IBM. He has traveled quite a bit this year, to places as near as Minneapolis, as big as New York City, as far south as Memphis and Orlando, and as far away as England, speaking to audiences of customers. He authors one internet blog for work ("You and i" for IBM Systems Magazine) and another just for the fun of writing about his family, games, movies and more, Snippets & Wisps. Probably the biggest change in his life is living in the Will house alone during the week while Sherry is in St. Paul. He is getting used to it, but looks forward to weekends more than ever.

Adam & Marisa, and Lucas & Lee still live and work in Rochester. We enjoy having them close by, and getting to have them over for dinner as often as our busy schedules allow. Sarah & Troy live in Wapello, Iowa now, and both have teaching jobs at high schools nearby.

We hope that the joy of Christmas fills your hearts and homes with peace and love, and that you have a blessed 2011.

2010 Christmas Photo 3

1 comment:

Michael Hacker said...

What a beautimous crib!!!