Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 - The Year Of ...

  • Earthquake in Haiti
  • Earthquake in Chile
  • The volcano in Iceland affecting travel for a week
  • The BP Oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico
  • Nashville Flood
  • No snow in March
  • Tornado hits Rochester
  • Highway 52 washes out with the huge rains and floods of September 22-23
  • Lake Shady is no more - dam breaks
  • 16 inches of snow in Rochester from the blizzard on 12/11/10
  • Metrodome collapses in the Blizzard of 2010.
  • Snowiest December on record for Rochester: 41.2 inches (35.3 previous - 2000). Average is 52.7 inches for an entire season.
  • Sherry in the School of Design
  • Patrick living with us for the summer
  • Leah works at Wacky Bear
  • Troy gets a job at Columbus Junction, IA; Sarah in Burlington, IA; we move them into an apartment in Wapello above a flower shop.
  • Faure Requiem
  • Pastors Peter & Kathy Nycklemoe leave
  • LG Vortex phones for Leah and me
  • PS3
  • The End of Lost
  • Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains
  • My trips: Orlando (conference), South Florida (customer), England (conference), Memphis (customer), Las Vegas (keynote at a conference), Jersey City (customer), Twin Cities (business partner event)
  • Vikings play "home" games in Detroit and at the U of M stadium because of the blizzard. Then get an away game delayed by two days by a storm in Philadelphia.

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